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Israeli Soul Singer Bat Ella Birnbaum

​Israeli soul singer Bat Ella performs Debbie Friedman’s greatest works and her own songs inspired by Debbie. Accompanying Bat Ella are the Sharonit Children’s Choir, Israeli Arab singer Hiba Bathish and her son singer-songwriter Nitzan Birnbaum.

A sabra who is very proud of her Jewish heritage and believes that Judaism is a “treasure” that belongs equally to all Jews.  She presents pluralistic, egalitarian and Israeli Judaism. In her concerts, Bat ella sings songs of prayer and liturgy from the Jewish sources and from the new Hebrew poetry in melodies and arrangements that express the rich musical tapestry of the Israeli melting pot.
Bat ella is a graduate of the IDF Performing Art Troupe “‘L’hakat pikud Darom” grew up in Dimona to parents of Aleppo and Persian origins. She Performed on the most significant stages in Israel including Zappa and Caesarea and in the Jewish communities abroad.
Bat ella’s concerts”Israeli soul music” are energetic and inspiring, full of elation, joy and & “Kiruv Levavot”
She performs in 3 formats: with a full 8 person band, in acoustic style with fewer musicians and in a solo experiential style that invites audience participation.

Bat ella has to her credit two solo albums: “T’filati” (2010) and “L’chi Lach”(2015) – a musical production devoted to the renowned American singer-songwriter Debbie Friedman. At this time, Bat ella is working on her third album.

Bat Ella     Wiki     YouTube Channel