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“Heal Us Now”
Cantor Garfein is Senior Cantor at Congregation Rodeph Sholom in New York City
To view Cantor Garfein’s bio go to the temple’s website “staff” webpage and click on her picture (second row first picture on left).
More Youtube videos featuring Cantor Garfein
Hebrew Text: Healing Liturgy, Numbers 12:13, Pslams:145:18, 85:10
R’faeinu Adonai v’neirafeh, hoshi-einu v’nivasheah. El karov, l’chol korav, ach karov, li-reav, yishoh.
Heal us Adonai, and we shall be healed. Save us and we shall be saved. God is close to all who call out to God. Surely, help is near to all who call out to God.
“We pray for healing of the body. We pray for healing of the soul. For strength of flesh and mind and spirit. We pray to once again be whole.”
El na, r’fa na lah, r’fuat hanefesh, u’r’fuat ha-guf, r’fua sh’leimah.
Oh God, please heal us now; healing of the soul and healing of the body, a complete healing.